The Food Security Budget Presentation
Proud to Partner
AITC-SK facilitates an engaging budgeting activity that encourages students to explore many obstacles and challenges facing food security. Students build critical thinking and problem
solving skills as they must adapt their budget when faced with a “Twist of Fate”, or real-life challenge scenerio, identifying the importance of budgeting and food security.
Register by February 26th, 2025.
IMPORTANT NOTES: We will begin to reach out to coordinate presentation dates after February 26th. For rural schools, we prioritize visits with multiple registered classes, as travel constraints may prevent us from accommodating single-class requests. Please encourage other teachers at your school to register to help facilitate a visit.
Thank you for your interest, registration has closed. Check back in Fall 2025!
Curriculum Connections
Grade 7
Math N7.6
Health USC7.1
Science IE7.4
Social Studies DR7.2, RW7.1, RW7.2
Grade 8
Health USC8.6
Math N8.2
Science WS8.1
Social Studies DR8.1, RW8.1, RW8.2, RW8.3
Grade 9
Careers CC9.2
Social Studies DR9.3, RW9.1, RW9.2,