30 Years of Connecting Kids & Agriculture
AITC-SK is celebrating a remarkable milestone, 3 decades of connecting kids and agriculture. Explore the 30 Year Report to see highlights of the moments and people who helped AITC-SK reach this incredible achievement.

The future of agriculture is in classrooms today.
Preparing the current generation of students to address the challenges facing our planet and enact positive change is crucial for their future and the well-being of our world. By teaching students about agriculture, we’re shaping a brighter future where everyone understands and values the vital role of agriculture in our lives. Together, we’re sowing the seeds for a better tomorrow.

Explore our progress through the years:
25th Anniversary Report: Celebrating 25 Years of Agriculture Education!
2018 Annual Report: An in-depth review of how we reach more students each year!
2017 Annual Report: A Network of People to Reach Over 74,000 Students!
2016 Annual Report: Farming, Food, and Fun for Over 68,000 Students!
2015 Annual Report: 519 Schools Reached - More than Half the Schools in the Province!
2014 Annual Report: AITC-SK is Proud to Celebrate 20 years of Agriculture Education!
2013 Annual Report: We Reached 74% More Students this Year.
2012 Annual Report: AITC-SK Directly Reached 15,250 Students in 218 Schools.