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Open for Registration Oats for Breakfast Nutrition Support Bursary

Oats for Breakfast Nutrition Support Bursary

Proud to Partner

Oats are a healthy way to start the day, or as an afternoon snack. They are full of fibre, vitamins, and energy. Did you know Saskatchewan farmers grow over 1.5 million tonnes of oats annually? That's a lot of oatmeal!

We are excited to offer bursaries to support in-school nutrition programs. The bursaries may be used toward oats and oat-based foods for students receiving meals or universal snacks at school.

This opportunity is open to both urban and rural schools in the province and will be awarded based on demonstrated need. Applicants may select their preferred bursary: $300 for smaller schools or snack support; and $400 for larger schools or meal support.

In addition to the bursary funds, schools will receive:

  • An oat-information package provided to school administration and/or nutrition team, sharing health benefits, cooking information and recipes.
  • Access to classroom e-learning modules on grain production in Saskatchewan.
  • A student-friendly poster to display in the school featuring oat facts and information.
  • A recipe card for each student to take home, featuring a family-friendly recipe as well as key facts about oats and production in Saskatchewan.

Submit the application below to be considered for a bursary by March 27, 2025. Funds must be used by June 28, 2025. Bursary recipients will be required to complete a feedback survey and provide a photo (please note, photos aren't required to include students). For more information, contact

Please note, only one teacher needs to apply for the whole school.

Thank you for supporting the Oats for Breakfast Nutrition Support Bursary:

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