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Create memorable learning experiences! Your students will be excited and engaged with our in-school and out-of-school programs.

Farm & Ag Tours

Farm & Ag Tours

AITC-SK Initiative



Want your students to visit a farm or agri-business? Apply for a Farm & Ag Tour bursary! Visit a farmer or agri-business you know, OR we can help coordinate a tour through our network of Saskatchewan farmers and ag professionals interested in showing students their operations. Your students will have an opportunity to meet the people involved in producing food in our province, and ask questions about where their food comes from! Our staff will work with you to ensure that your tour is a memorable experience for you and your students. 

As this is a competitive program with limited funding, please take your time to complete the application.

Thank you for your interest, registration is closed. Check back in 2025!

"We were all interested in the technology involved in farming today… there was a genuine sense of caring for the animals and their well-being."


Browse Location & Grade: