Canada's Agriculture Day Challenge
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Want FREE plantable bookmarks for your Grades K to 6 students?! Complete the Canada's Agriculture Day Celebration Challenge and we will hook you up!
February 11, 2025 is Canada's Agriculture Day, and we want you and your students to join us in celebrating and the food we love and the people who produce it!
Here's the challenge! It's 3 easy steps.
1. Complete one of the following challenges with your students by February 14, 2025:
- Write a thank-you letter to a food hero! Food heroes are anyone involved in getting food to our plates, from farmers to truck drivers to mechanics to grocery clerks. You could mail them or hand deliver them for a special touch!
- Draw a picture of foods or agriculture products you are thankful for! Make sure they are from crops grown or animals raised here in Canada. Hang these up in your school so others can enjoy them!
- Take a "Forks Up for Canadian Ag" photo! With your students, raise a fork to Canadian Ag. Share the photo with us or post on social media tagging @aitcsk @SKAgriculture #CdnAgDay. Find “Forks Up” graphics here.
- Learn about where food comes from with your students! Order or download a FREE classroom resource from here to guide your exploration into Saskatchewan agriculture!
2. When you've completed a challenge, click the 'Register Now' button below to let us know to send bookmarks.
3. Your bookmarks will arrive later in February! The plantable bookmarks are provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and an anonymous sponsor.
*Only 2,000 bookmarks available*

Bonus Teacher Prize:
Share your challenge photos for a chance to win 1 of 3 prizes. TWO chances to enter:
1. Email photos to, please include if there is permission to share the photos.
2. Post on social media using #CdnAgDay and tagging @aitcsk @SKAgriculture.
Winners will be contacted via email and listed on this page on February 21, 2025.
Congratulations to the 2025 winners Lorelei Kotylak and Madison Renwick!
Thank you for your interest, registration is closed. Check back in 2026!
Curriculum Connections
Arts CPK.4
Health USCK.3
Science NSK.1, LTK.1
Social Studies RWK.2
Grade 1
Arts CP1.8
Health USC1.5
Science SE1.2
Social Studies DR1.3
Grade 2
ELA CC2.1, CC2.2
Health USC2.6
Science AN2.3
Social Studies RW2.1
Grade 3
Arts CP3.7
ELA CC3.1, CC3.4
Science ES3.1, ES3.2, PL3.1, PL3.2
Social Studies DR3.3, IN3.3
Grade 4
Arts CP4.7
Science RM4.2, HC4.1, HC4.3
Social Studies DR4.1, RW4.1, RW4.2,
Grade 5
Science MC5.3, MC5.3
Social Studies RW5.1
Grade 6
Science DL6.1
Social Studies DR6.2