Ag & Me Classroom Presentations
Proud to Partner
Central West Saskatchewan
In partnership with AITC-SK, a Simplot team member will come and deliver a curriculum-linked, engaging presentation to your class! We offer four distinct presentations designed for different grade levels:
Grades K to 3 (Sask Snack): Students participate in mixing up delicious muffins while learning about where each ingredient comes from.
Grades 4 to 6 (From the Ground Up): Students immerse themselves in an interactive farming game, assuming the role of a farmer and making all the decisions related to growing food.
Grades 7 to 8 (Science of Farming): Students delve into the world of soil science, conducting experiments to test various nutrient levels.
Bio 30 (Genetic Transformation): Students explore genetic transformation through a hands-on experiment, gaining insights into advanced biological concepts.
Please note before requesting a presentation:
You must be within ONE hour of the following Simplot locations: Eatonia, Elrose, Brock, Kindersley, Leader, Lucky Lake, Marengo, Meadow Lake, Medstead, Meota, Milden, Hamlin, Plenty, Rosetown, Spiritwood.
Thank you for your interest, registration has closed. Check back in Fall 2025!
In partnership with:

Curriculum Connections
Sask Snack
K: Health DMK.1
Grade 2: Health USC2.2
Grade 3: Health USC3.1
From the Ground Up
Grade 3: Science PL3.2
Grade 4: Health USC4.3; Math N4.2; Science HC4.1, HC4.2, HC4.3, RM4.2; Social Studies RW4.1, RW4.2, RW4.3
Grade 5: ELA CR5.1; Science WE5.3; Social Studies RW5.1
Science of Farming
Grade 7: Science IE7.2, IE7.3, IE7.4, MS7.2, MS7.3
Grade 8: Science WS8.1; Social Studies RW8.3
Genetic Transformation
BIO30: GB1, GB2, GB3