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Open for Registration Sask Food Story

Sask Food Story

AITC-SK Initiative

Saskatoon & area

GRADES 5 TO 8 | OCTOBER 22, 24 & 25 2024

Students are invited to the Rayner Dairy Research and Teaching Facility for a half day program examining agriculture in Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan agriculture around the world! Students will observe a working dairy barn including a robotic milking parlor, explore the Feeding the World Interpretive Center, try their hand at making a food product and play a food security game investigating the role that Saskatchewan farmers play in global food production.

(Morning and Afternoon Sessions available)


Host Partner: University of Saskatchewan

Register Now!

"We got to see a calf born, enough said."

Gillian Stange, Greystone Heights School
Curriculum Connections

Grade 5
Social Studies RW5.1, RW5.2

Grade 6
Social Studies RW6.1, RW6.2, IN6.3, DR6.2

Grade 7
Social Studies IN7.1, IN7.2, RW7.1

Grade 8
Social Studies RW8.3

Browse Location & Grade: