Teacher Agriculture Expedition
August 20-22, 2024
Are you curious about food and agriculture?
Do you want to learn how to engage students in learning through agriculture education?
The Teacher Agriculture Expedition is a FREE action-packed, hands-on agriculture tour for educators that will inspire you, and provide the tools and knowledge to help students connect with where their food comes from while meeting curricular outcomes. You will personally interact with farmers and agriculture personnel at their farms and agri-businesses to understand their role in producing safe, healthy, and affordable food in our province. They will share with you how science, research, and technology have helped improve the sustainability of their operation, and how they play an important role in keeping Saskatchewan agriculture competitive in a global market. Along the expedition, you will be spoiled with delicious, locally produced snacks and meals, and stay in fun accommodations.
This year's Teacher Agriculture Expedition will explore agriculture in the North Battleford area, starting and ending in Saskatoon. Tour stops will include an Alpaca, Poultry, Grain, and Dairy farm, plus a stay at Jackfish Lodge! More stops to be added soon.
Preference will be given to teachers with limited agriculture knowledge and background, as well as a demonstrated commitment to share their experiences on social media and become an AITC-SK ambassador in the future.
Only 20 spots are available. Transportation, accommodations, and meals are provided. Sign up by June 28, 2024.
To read about our 2023 Teacher Agriculture Expeditions, click here.
"I didn’t realize how much of the livestock that we raise in Saskatchewan is also processed and sold in Saskatchewan. Given the controversy around animal care, knowing that we are eating Saskatchewan meat which is held to strict standards is great information to share with students."
Karen McDonald, 2023 Agriculture Expedition Teacher
Thank you for your interest, applications have closed. Please contact taylor@aitc.sk.ca to inquire about participating.
Help build agriculture teacher champions by becoming a sponsor of the Teacher Agriculture Expedition! Contact Leah Hermanson at leah@aitc.sk.ca to hear how your organization can help take the Expedition experience to a new level for teachers!
Thank you 2024 Teacher Agriculture Expedition Sponsors: