Dig Deeper: A Soil Discovery Kit for Grade 3 Science
AITC-SK’s latest learning kit is a teaching tool that will enhance students’ understanding and engagement with the world of soils. It begins with the invitation to delve into the story of soil and its central role in sustaining life on earth. Subsequent hands-on activities focus on what soils are made of, the diversity of life soils contain, how they interact with water, their productive capacity to grow food, and an exploration of the root zone and why it’s important to protect soils from erosion.
This kit includes all materials required to complete three activities to explore distinct aspects of soils:
ACTIVITY #1: Telling the Story of Soil
ACTIVITY #2: What is Soil Made of?
Composition A: Soil Texture
Composition B: Game - Farming with Friends!
ACTIVITY #3: Soils are a Life-Line!
Life-Line A: The Dynamic Duo of Soils and Water
Life-Line B: Soils and Plants Give us Food
Life-Line C: Guardians of the Soil
Thank-you for your interest, application for the Dig Deeper kit is now closed.
Only 350 kits are available and will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. All applicants will be notified before the end of March, and kits will be shipped to accepted applicants shortly after.
Earth and Space Science – Exploring Soils (ES)
ES3.1 Investigate the characteristics, including soil composition and ability to absorb water, of different types of soils in their environment.
ES3.2 Analyze the interdependence between soil and living things, including the importance for individuals, society and all components of the environment.
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