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2020 Board of Director Nominations

2020 Board of Director Nominations

Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan (AITC-SK) is seeking individuals to join our Board of Directors. To ensure a highly competent board with a strong mix of skills and experience, we are looking for candidates in the areas of: 

• Fundraising
• Finance
• Human Resources
• Information Technology
• Governance 

All Board members must believe in the mandate of AITC-SK and have the time actively participate as a director. 

The Board 

• Board terms are two years and a maximum of three consecutive terms may be held.
• Board meetings are typically full-day meetings and are held 4-5 times per year.
o December/January – Saskatoon
o April – Saskatoon
o June – Regina
o October – Saskatoon
• Board members are expected to participate in one or more sub-committees and dedicate 2-4 hours per month to Board activities, in addition to the Board meetings.
• Nominees may be an individual member or a designate of a member organization
• To be nominated for election to the Board, a member must be in good standing

Timeline for Election Procedure 2020 

Elections will be carried out by mail-in ballot ONLY. The results of the election will be announced at the AITC-SK Annual General Meeting. 

February 24, 2020 – Nominations officially open to all members in good standing.
March 6, 2020 – Nominations Close. All nominations for consideration must be received in AITC-SK office.
March 11, 2020 – Voter packages mailed (enclosed envelope for mail-in ballot).
March 25, 2020 – Postmark deadline for completed ballots to be returned - official end to election period.
April 8, 2020 – Results of election released to AITC membership at the Annual General Meeting. 


1. Candidates incur all election expenses for personal campaign.
2. Results of election and number of ballots will be announced at AGM.
3. There are four board director positions up for election in 2019.
4. Existing board members up for re-election in 2020 are: Arnold Balicki, Jackie Robin, Kathy Doucette and Heather Boensch.
5. The Ministry of Agriculture representative is Sarah Hein, Manager of Agriculture Awareness. 

Please contact Sara Shymko at sara@aitc.sk.ca or (306) 933-5224 if you would like more information.